
Poetic Clown
Length : 60 minutes

Discover the show

Two characters living in their forest, protected from the rest of the world, suddenly see their tree loses its leaves, one by one. A cool and icy wind seeps into the heart of their small glade. The universe that has always been joyful is now tinged with darkness. Their cohabitation, that always been pleasure and fun, will be transformed, like their universe, in hardness and dryness. Around them, the world becomes colder and darker. Is it their fault?

Will they be able to forgive each other, their mistakes and their differences, to put their efforts together to survive this change of atmosphere?

In this play, we witness a multitude of small deaths, as in everyday life.

Sometimes the little deaths take more and more space to leave nothing behind.


Oppidum is the 20th creation of the Foutoukours. The world premiere of the show took place on October 29, 2022 in Amqui and highlighted the 25th anniversary of the company.

According to the Larousse dictionary, oppidum is a word derived from Latin, which means “fortification protected by ditches serving as a refuge”. With this image in mind, The Foutoukours had the idea of inviting the public to a hidden place, a small forested village of only two citizens to reveal their incongruous reality.

The aesthetics of the show was greatly inspired by the mythology of the Little People from the Nordic and Celtic civilizations. This mythology gathers various different characters like fairies, elves and gnomes and their environment. Then a story took shape…


Stages of creation and residency partners :

March 2021, Centre Culturel Desjardins, Joliette
September 2021, Maison de la Culture Mercier, Montréal
May 2022, Théâtre du Marais, Val-Morin
October 2022, Salle Jean-Cossette, Amqui
Official premiere  : le 29 octobre 2022 à Amqui

The technical team

Interpreters : Jean-Félix Bélanger and Rémi Jacques
Artistic direction : Rémi Jacques
Musical direction : Jean-Félix Bélanger
Lighting : Jacinthe Racine
Music : Antoine Fortin
Costumes : Audrée P. Boudreault C.
Set design : ACMÉ Décors
Electrical design : Frédéric Vincent
Acrobatic trainers : Jérôme LeBaut, Nadia Genois, Sylvain Rainville, Catherine Desjardins-Béland, Sylvain Lafortune, Jimmy Gonzalez



Crédit photo: Benoit Z Leroux
Crédit photo: Benoit Z Leroux
Crédit photo: Benoit Z Leroux
Crédit photo: Benoit Z Leroux
Crédit photo: Benoit Z Leroux
Crédit photo: Benoit Z Leroux
Crédit photo: Benoit Z Leroux